What gasoline to use for Toyota?

© Toyota-Club.Net
Mar 2017 - Aug 2024

1. Technical requirements

• If "Regular" at Japanese domestic market / RON 91 at North American market is recommended for a specific engine - use RON 91 gasoline.
• If "Premium" at Japanese domestic market / RON 95+ at North American market is recommended for a specific engine - use RON 95 or 98 gasoline.
• During the warranty period use only the gasoline, which is specified at owners manual and fuel filler flap.

Manufacturer's recommendations

To understand the manufacturer properly, you should to compare manuals for similar models of Japanese, American and European markets - and differentiate the real technical needs from 'environmental' and marketing motivations.
So it is easy to notice that most Toyota engines (especially of the mass-segment) were originally designed for using Regular (in Japan) or RON 91 (in US), but for Europe the nominal octane number is always increased to 95.
· Premium / RON 95 is useful for 'sporty' naturally aspirated engines, for turbo engines, for high-power V6-R6-V8.
· Sometimes (for reinsurance) Premium is recommended for MT versions, although Regular is enough for the same model with AT or CVT.
· During the production period each engine series repeatedly modernized, that sometimes cause changes of the recommended octane number (to higher or lower).
· Sometimes the requirements at North American market are softer than at JDM, which implies that such engines have not a vital need for high-octane gasoline, but it will improve performance.

Compression ratio

Anciently, in an epoch of ignition distributors, fixed valve timing, traditional multi-point injection (not to mention the carburetors) and classical Otto cycle - a folk rule was set "if compression ratio below 10 - use ron 92, if above 10 - use 95, if above 11 - use 98". In general it was true - for classic engines of the last century.
Strangely, that the same stereotype is using today. Although long ago were implemented: individual ignition, wide-range variable valve timing, Miller cycle... so the nominal (geometric) compression ratio correlates with the real differently than two decades ago (rather, it should be named 'expansion ratio'). Therefore Toyota's new motors with compression ratio of 13-14 and new turbo engines with compression ratio of 10+ use Regular gasoline.

Direct injection

Noticed that some owners have the inexplicable reverence to D-4 and are guided by the principle "high octane for high technology". In part, this is due to false analogies with Deutsch fahrzeugen - but FSI/TSI is supplemented by turbocharger, which causes the need for high-octane.
And it would be necessary to remind that one of the main reasons of first gasoline direct injection implementation (at WWII times) - an opportunity to suppress knocking and to raise the compression ratio or the boost pressure, respectively to increase power output and to use low quality gasoline. Similar objectives D-4 of Toyota pursued - increased compression ratio, improved efficiency while maintaining power. The second advantage - fine fuel dispersion contributes to better evaporation in comparison with conventional MFI, and in the modern engines it improves starting at low temperatures.
The result - the direct-injection by itself not increases but reduces the sensitivity to fuel quality.


By the way, increasing of the octane number for turbo engines is the rule, but not an axiom - some small-displacement motors (4E-FTE, 8NR-FTS) designed for Regular, as well as modern mighty V35A-FTS for american Tundra.

2. National features

If we only could live in civilized world, the further discussion was not required. But alas... In local realities to the 'octane' scale with the second axis 'octane' added, then with axis 'geography' added - so the primitive linear problem becomes three-dimensional and dialectically complex.

In 2000s it was possible to say - "always and everywhere, wherever possible, use RON 91". Throughout the Mordor, it was really 'cleaner' and 'more pure', with a more consistent quality from region to region, it provided a more steady starting, it left behind less deposits of soot and metal oxides. And it is clear - while the sales of '95' were several times more than its official production (and without any import), it did not make sense to talk about quality.
Today, partly complicated - the quality of different gasoline types from large refineries are aligned so their differences seem a random fluctuations (from the plant to the plant and even from batch to batch), that make to avoid global generalizations. In turn, small producers and traders can even make 91 of indecent quality.
And must understand that in relation to local '92 or 95' - it is not a question of savings (a couple of dollars for a full tank), but the question of fuel quality, suitability for specific local conditions and of human prejudice.
But the obsessive and even aggressive propaganda of high-octane gasolines (98-100+) in a certain part of the information community, rightly provokes a wary reaction and the traditional 'cui prodest?'

Myths and legends

"How can you fill 91 in modern cars?"
It is noticeable that in the topics about fuels and lubricants the main information flow is generated by car owners of several European brands. The modern and high-tech, often with thermally loaded downsized turbo engines - that is the complete opposite of even new Toyota engines. So do not project their daunting experience to Japanese and Korean brands, as well as do not impose them own tips.

"There is not 92 in Europe"
It would be nice to understand - how 'Europe' correlates with a local reality as a whole and with Japanese cars in particular. But noticed right - the last European country with a relatively wide '91' distribution Deutschland remained, but due to the demand for 'Normalbenzin' declined, gas stations withdrawn it from the market at 2007-2010. So not surprisingly the absence of RON below 95 in the owner manuals for European market (not because it is forbidden, but because there is no such thing).

"USA uses octane index or rating, so their 91 is our 95"
Do the authors of such 'discoveries' believe that somebody can find and read 'american' manuals but does not know about the difference between AKI and RON? And by the way, in US manuals Toyota indicates literally "Unleaded gasoline (Octane rating 87 [Research Octane Number 91] or higher)".

"There is only high-octane gasoline in Japan"
According to JIS K 2202 standard, since 1986 term 'Regular' means gasoline with RON above 89, and term 'Premium' means RON above 96.
In the table below the numbers are 'unified' with worldwide RON values.

"All high-octane gasoline in our country is fabricated from low-octane by additives supplement"
Another outdated stereotype - "local refineries can only produce RON 92, which then blended with additives to 95-98".
In fact, all the major refineries were modernized several times, so today any type of gasoline can be mass produced by "compounding of the products of catalytic reforming and cracking with various high-octane components". Under high-octane components means methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) and tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME). It is obvious that the final product is inferior to European or American gasolines (where more proper technology used), but in comparison with earlier times it is different level.
But it would be naive to believe that all commercial gasoline in the country is normal quality. That the ban on organometallic additives (ferrocene, cymantrene) can stop noname 'manufacturers'. That ban on so popular earlier monomethylaniline (MMA) has made it less effective. The factories still produce and sell enough of straight-run technical gasoline, rather illegal small refineries still work, the proposal is huge of literally 'nuclear' additives to increase octane number of any slops by 20-30 units... But either way, the probability of find poor-quality gasoline at the top-branded gas stations really diminished.

Cold start

Ease of cold start depends on the fuel evaporability, which is characterized by vapor pressure. Previously the universal rule existed: best volatility - 92, medium - 98, worse - 95.
Today, especially if trust the data sheets at the gas station, all mixed up - value could fluctuate even between batches of the same type from the same plant, so it remains only to state - 'good' or 'bad' gasoline caught in a particular moment at a particular gas station. It is understood that the paper can endure all - but even if the manufacturer's data sheet indicates low vapor pressure, there is no chance of normal cold start with this fuel.

Local features

Wherever the human factor possible and even seemingly impossible - peoples will find a way to 'optimize' and 'rationalize'. If personal profit, business interests and feudal social relations are applied here, the effect is synergistic and unpredictable.
Gasoline is not an exception - so quite normal fuel on the way from the refinery to the tank farm, from the farm to the gas station, from gas station to the car tank - it can undergo the most amazing collisions. Top companies use real hi-tech against own tanker drivers to prevent banal dilution of the fuel on the road during delivery. But alas, nothing can be done with the dirt product pipeline. With the transportation in the same tanks alternately different fuels (or even other fluids). With gas stations that clean the tanks first and last time when established...

Remind the long-all-known precautions:
• Refuel at the top-brand gas stations only (not franchise or jobber).
• If in a particular region types of gasoline differ greatly in quality, use the best of them, regardless of the technical requirements of car.
• Teach all the drivers in the family to avoid the cheap gasoline and noname stations.
• If enforced refueling - fill a small amount to drive to a more decent station.
• At unfamiliar territories choose the gas stations, where expensive cars with local license plates are refuel.
• Select the station networks that use its own fleet of road tankers.
• Do not refuel some time after heavy rains.
• Do not refuel during or immediately after receiving the fuel from tanker to the gas station.
• In cold weather check at least the declared values of volatility and the amount of light ends in fuel.

To call for the use of specific gas station brands does not make sense for us, the worst of top network everyone knows. In any case, the ideal brand does not exist, the more - universal ideal for the whole country.
Locally, we can say - the four major oil refineries of the central region have their own strengths and weaknesses, and overall - make products at acceptable to good level. Although do not try to find the best gasoline in the country at the capital.
Whether an ordinary car owner to deep further? Real, high-quality gasoline fanatic at the day or night can describe from which refinery every gas stations network is supplied, production status at each plant, and in what direction its pendulum of quality has swung. They always request copy of data sheets at the gas station, check its validity, evaluates and compares the declared octane number, content of sulfur, gum, benzene, aromatic hydrocarbons, esters, induction period, the end of the boiling point, vapor pressure... By the fractional composition and type of additives they determine the origin refinery. By smell they differ the main components and additives. They connected to the computer and monitors the fuel trim after each refueling. But it turns out - in multa sapientia multa sit indignatio.

3. Owner's manual

ModelProductionEngineDispl.Tank (l)RON
4Runner 1801995-20025VZ-FE3.4i70Regular (91)
4Runner 1801995-20023RZ-FE2.7i70Regular (91)
4Runner 2102002-20091GR-FE4.0i87Regular (91)
4Runner 2102002-20092UZ-FE4.7i87Regular (91)
4Runner 2802009-20242TR-FE2.7i87Regular (91)
4Runner 2802009-20241GR-FE4.0i87Regular (91)
862012-2020FA202.0i50Premium (95)
Agya / Wigo2013-20231KR-VE1.0i33Regular (91)
Agya / Wigo2013-20233NR-VE1.2i33Regular (91)
Agya / Wigo 3502023-WA-VE1.2i36Regular (91)
Allex 1202001-20061NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Allex 1202001-20061ZZ-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Allex 1202001-20062ZZ-GE1.8i50Premium (95)
Allion 2402001-20071AZ-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Allion 2402001-20071NZ-FE1.5i60Regular (91)
Allion 2402001-20071ZZ-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Allion 2602007-20211NZ-FE1.5i60Regular (91)
Allion 2602007-20212ZR-FAE1.8i60Regular (91)
Allion 2602007-20212ZR-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Alphard 102002-20081MZ-FE3.0i70Premium (95)
Alphard 102002-20082AZ-FE2.4i70Regular (91)
Alphard 202008-20152AZ-FXE2.4ih65Regular (91)
Alphard 202008-20152AZ-FE2.4i65Regular (91)
Alphard 202008-20152GR-FE3.5i65Premium (95)
Alphard 302015-20232AR-FE2.5i65/75Regular (91)
Alphard 302015-20232AR-FXE2.5ih65Regular (91)
Alphard 302015-20232GR-FE3.5i65/75Premium (95)
Alphard 302015-20232GR-FKS3.5i65/75Premium (95)
Alphard 402023-2AR-FE2.5i75/65Regular (91)
Alphard 402023-A25A-FXS2.5ih60Regular (91)
Altezza1999-20051G-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Altezza1999-20053S-GE2.0i60Premium (95)
Altezza Gita2001-20051G-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Altezza Gita2001-20052JZ-GE3.0i60Premium (95)
Aqua 102011-20211NZ-FXE1.5i36Regular (91)
Aqua PK102021-M15A-FXE1.5ih36Regular (91)
Aristo 1401991-19971UZ-FE4.0i80Premium (95)
Aristo 1401991-19972JZ-GE3.0i80Premium (95)
Aristo 1601997-20052JZ-GE3.0i75Premium (95)
Aristo 1601997-20052JZ-GTE3.0i75Premium (95)
Auris 150e2006-20121NR-FE1.3i55Premium (95)
Auris 150e2006-20121ZR-FE1.6i55Premium (95)
Auris 150e2006-20121ZR-FAE1.6i55Premium (95)
Auris 150e2006-20122ZR-FAE1.8i55Premium (95)
Auris 150j2006-20121NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Auris 150j2006-20122ZR-FAE CVT1.8i50Regular (91)
Auris 150j2006-20122ZR-FE MT1.8i50Premium (95)
Auris 180j2012-20191NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Auris 180j2012-20192ZR-FAE CVT1.8i50Regular (91)
Auris 180j2012-20192ZR-FAE MT1.8i50Premium (95)
Auris 180j2012-20198NR-FTS1.2i50Premium (95)
Auris / Touring Sports 180e2012-20191NR-FE1.3i50Premium (95)
Auris / Touring Sports 180e2012-20191ZR-FAE1.6i50Premium (95)
Auris / Touring Sports 180e2012-20192ZR-FXE1.8i45Premium (95)
Auris / Touring Sports 180e2012-20198NR-FTS1.2i50Premium (95)
Avalon 10j1995-20001MZ-FE3.0i70Premium (95)
Avalon 10u1994-19991MZ-FE3.0i70Regular (91)
Avalon 20u1999-20051MZ-FE3.0i70Regular (91)
Avalon 50u2018-A25A-FKS2.5i55 / 61Regular (91)
Avalon 50u2018-2GR-FKS3.5i50Regular (91)
Avanza F65#2011-20211NR-VE1.3i45Regular (91)
Avanza F65#2011-20212NR-VE1.5i45Regular (90+)
Avanza W1002021-1NR-VE1.3i43Regular (91)
Avanza W1002021-2NR-VE1.5i43Regular (91)
Avensis 250e2003-20081ZZ-FE1.8i60Premium (95)
Avensis 250e2003-20081AZ-FE2.0i60Premium (95)
Avensis 250e2003-20081AZ-FSE2.0i60Premium (95)
Avensis 250e2003-20082AZ-FSE2.4i60Premium (95)
Avensis 250j2003-20081AZ-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Avensis 270e2008-20181ZR-FAE1.6i60Premium (95)
Avensis 270e2008-20182ZR-FAE1.8i60Premium (95)
Avensis 270e2008-20183ZR-FAE2.0i60Premium (95)
Avensis 270j2011-20183ZR-FAE2.0i60Premium (95)
Aygo 40e2014-20211KR-FE1.0i35Premium (95)
Aygo 40e2014-2021HM011.2i35Premium (95)
Bb 202006-20163SZ-VE1.5i38/40Regular (91)
Bb 202006-2016K3-VE1.3i40/40Regular (91)
Bb 302000-20051NZ-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Bb 302000-20052NZ-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Belta2005-20121KR-FE1.0i42Regular (91)
Belta2005-20122NZ-FE1.3i42Regular (91)
Belta2005-20122SZ-FE1.3i42Regular (91)
Blade2007-20122AZ-FE2.4i60Regular (91)
Blade2007-20122GR-FE3.5i60Premium (95)
Brevis2001-20071JZ-FSE2.5i70Premium (95)
C-HR w2016-20232ZR-FXE1.8i43Premium (95)
C-HR w2016-20233ZR-FAE2.0i50Regular (91)
C-HR w2016-20238NR-FTS1.2i50Premium (95)
C-HR j2016-20238NR-FTS1.2i50Regular (91)
C-HR j2016-20232ZR-FXE1.8i43Regular (91)
C-HR 20 non-EU2023-2ZR-FXE1.8i43Regular (91)
C-HR 20 EU2023-2ZR-FXE1.8i43Premium (95)
C-HR 20 non-EU2023-M20A-FXS2.0i43Regular (91)
C-HR 20 EU2023-M20A-FXS2.0i43Premium (95)
Caldina 1901992-19977A-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Caldina 1901992-19973S-GE2.0i60Premium (95)
Caldina 1901992-19973S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Caldina 1901992-19974S-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Caldina 2101997-20023S-GTE2.0i60Premium (95)
Caldina 2101997-20023S-GE2.0i60Regular (91)
Caldina 2101997-20023S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Caldina 2101997-20027A-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Caldina 2402002-20071AZ-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Caldina 2402002-20071ZZ-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Caldina 2402002-20073S-GTE2.0i60Premium (95)
Cami / Terios1999-2005K3-VE1.3i46Regular (91)
Cami / Terios1999-2005K3-VET1.3i46Regular (91)
Calya2016-3NR-VE1.2i36Regular (91)
Camry 301990-19943S-GE2.0i60Regular (91)
Camry 301990-19943S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Camry 301990-19944S-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Camry 301990-19943VZ-FE3.0i60Premium (95)
Camry 301990-19944VZ-FE2.5i60Regular (91)
Camry 401994-19983S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Camry 401994-19984S-FE2.2i60Regular (91)
Camry V20j / Gracia1996-20015S-FE2.2i70Regular (91)
Camry V20j / Gracia1996-20012MZ-FE2.5i70Premium (95)
Camry V20u1996-20015S-FE2.2i70Regular (91)
Camry V20u1996-20011MZ-FE3.0i70Regular (91)
Camry V30u2001-20062AZ-FE2.4i70Regular (91)
Camry V30u2001-20061MZ-FE3.0i70Regular (91)
Camry V30u2001-20063MZ-FE3.3i70Regular (91)
Camry V30j2001-20062AZ-FE2.4i65/70Regular (91)
Camry V40j2006-20112AZ-FE2.4i65/70Regular (91)
Camry V40u2006-20112AZ-FE2.5i70Regular (91)
Camry V40u2006-20112GR-FE3.5i70Regular (91)
Camry V50j2011-20172AR-FXE2.5i65Regular (91)
Camry V50u2011-20172AR-FE2.5i65Regular (91)
Camry V50u2011-20172GR-FE3.5i65Regular (91)
Camry V50w2011-20172AR-FE2.5i70Regular (91)
Camry V50w2011-20172GR-FE3.5i70Premium (95)
Camry V50w2011-20176AR-FSE2.0i70Regular (91)
Camry V70j2017-2024A25A-FXS2.5i50Regular (91)
Camry V70u2017-2024A25A-FKS2.5i55/61Regular (91)
Camry V70u2017-20242GR-FKS3.5i55/61Regular (91)
Camry V70u2017-2024A25A-FXS2.5i49Regular (91)
Camry V70w2017-20246AR-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Camry V70w2017-20242AR-FE2.5i60Regular (91)
Camry V70w2017-2024A25A-FKS2.5i60Regular (91)
Camry V70w2017-20242GR-FKS3.5i60Regular (91)
Camry V70w2017-2024A25A-FXS2.5i50Regular (91)
Camry 802024-A25A-FKS2.5i60Regular (91)
Camry 802024-M20C-FKS2.0i60Regular (91)
Camry 802024-M20F-FXS2.0ih49Regular (91)
Camry 80 EU GPF2024-A25A-FXS2.5i50Premium (95)
Camry 80 non-EU2024-A25A-FXS2.5i50Regular (91)
Camry 802024-A25D-FXS2.5ih49Regular (91)
Carina 1701987-19924S-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Carina 1701987-19925A-FE1.5i60Regular (91)
Carina 1701987-19923S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Carina 1701987-19924A-FE1.6i60Regular (91)
Carina 1901992-19967A-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Carina 1901992-19965A-FE1.5i60Regular (91)
Carina 1901992-19963S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Carina 2101996-20015A-FE1.5i60Regular (91)
Carina 2101996-20014A-GE1.6i60Premium (95)
Carina 2101996-20017A-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Carina 2101996-20013S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Carina ED 2001993-19984S-FE1.8i60/68Regular (91)
Carina ED 2001993-19983S-FE2.0i60/68Regular (91)
Carina ED 2001993-19983S-GE2.0i60/68Premium (95)
Carina Surf 1701988-19924S-FE1.860Regular (91)
Carina Surf 1701988-19925A-FE1.5i60Regular (91)
Celica 200j1993-19983S-GE2.0i60Premium (95)
Celica 200j1993-19983S-GTE2.0i68Premium (95)
Celica 2001993-19983S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Celica 230j1999-2005)1ZZ-FE1.8i55Regular (91)
Celica 230j1999-2005)2ZZ-GE1.8i55Premium (95
Celsior 201997-20031UZ-FE4.0i85Premium (95)
Century 401982-19975V-E4.0i95Regular (91)
Century 501997-20181GZ-FE5.0i95Premium (95)
Century 602018-2UR-FSE5.0i82Premium (95)
Century 702023-2GR-FXS3.5ih55Premium (95)
Coaster 60/70w2017-2TR-FE2.7i95Premium (95)
Copen LA400A2019-KF-VET0.66it30Regular (91)
Chaser 801988-19927M-GE3.0i65Premium (95)
Chaser 801988-19924S-FE1.8i65Regular (91)
Chaser 801988-19921G-FE2.0i65Regular (91)
Chaser 801988-19921G-GE2.0i65Regular (91)
Chaser 801988-19921G-GTE2.0i65Premium (95)
Chaser 801988-19921G-GZE2.0i65Premium (95)
Chaser 801988-19921JZ-GE2.5i65Premium (95)
Chaser 801988-19921JZ-GTE2.5i65Premium (95)
Chaser 901992-19961JZ-GE2.5i70Premium (95)
Chaser 901992-19964S-FE1.8i70Regular (91)
Chaser 901992-19962JZ-GE3.0i70Premium (95)
Chaser 901992-19961JZ-GTE2.5i70Premium (95)
Chaser 901992-19961G-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Chaser 1001996-20011JZ-GE3.0i70Premium (95)
Chaser 1001996-20011G-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Chaser 1001996-20011JZ-GTE2.5i70Premium (95)
Chaser 1001996-20012JZ-GE3.0i70Premium (95)
Corolla 1001991-19954A-GZE1.6i50Premium (95)
Corolla 1001991-19954A-GE1.6i50Premium (95)
Corolla 1001991-19954A-FE1.6i50Regular (91)
Corolla 1001991-19954E-FE1.3i50Regular (91)
Corolla 1001991-19955A-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Corolla 1101995-20004A-GE1.6i50Premium (95)
Corolla 1101995-20004E-FE1.3i50Regular (91)
Corolla 1101995-20004A-FE1.6i50Regular (91)
Corolla 1101995-20005A-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Corolla 100u1992-19974A-FE1.6i50Regular (91)
Corolla 100u1992-19977A-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla 120e2001-20064ZZ-FE1.4i55Premium (95)
Corolla 120e2001-20063ZZ-FE1.6i55Premium (95)
Corolla 120e2001-20062ZZ-GE1.8i55Premium (95)
Corolla 120j2000-20061NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Corolla 120j2000-20061ZZ-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla 120j2000-20062NZ-FE1.3i50Regular (91)
Corolla 130u2002-20071ZZ-FE1.8ii50Regular (91)
Corolla 130u2002-20072ZZ-GE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla 140u2008-20132ZR-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla 140u2008-20132AZ-FE2.4i50Regular (91)
Corolla 150e2006-20131NR-FE1.3i60Premium (95)
Corolla 150e2006-20131ZR-FE1.6i60Premium (95)
Corolla 170u2013-20182ZR-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla 170u2013-20182ZR-FAE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla 180e2012-20181NR-FE1.3i55Premium (95)
Corolla 180e2012-20181ZR-FAE1.6i55Premium (95)
Corolla 180e2012-20181ZR-FE1.6i55Regular (91)
Corolla 180e2012-20182ZR-FE1.8i55Regular (91)
Corolla 210e2019-8NR-FTS1.2it50Premium (95)
Corolla 210e2019-1ZR-FAE1.6i50Premium (95)
Corolla 210e2019-2ZR-FXE1.8ih43Premium (95)
Corolla 210e2019-1ZR-FE1.6i50Regular (91)
Corolla 210e2019-2ZR-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla 210e2019-M20A-FXS2.0ih43Premium (95)
Corolla 210u2018-M20A-FKS2.0i50Regular (91)
Corolla 210u2018-2ZR-FAE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla 210u2018-2ZR-FXE1.8ih43Regular (91)
Corolla 210w2019-1ZR-FE1.6i50Regular (91)
Corolla 210w2019-2ZR-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla 210w2019-1ZR-FAE1.6i50Premium (95)
Corolla 210w2019-2ZR-FXE1.8ih43Regular (91)
Corolla 210w2019-M20A-FKS2.0i50Regular (91)
Corolla 210j2019-8NR-FTS1.2it50Regular (91)
Corolla 210j2019-2ZR-FAE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla 210j2019-2ZR-FXE1.8ih43Regular (91)
Corolla 2102023-M15A-FKS1.5i47Regular (91)
Corolla Axio 1402006-20121NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Corolla Axio 1402006-20122ZR-FAE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla Axio 1402006-20122ZR-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla Axio 1602012-1NR-FE1.3i42Regular (91)
Corolla Axio 1602012-1NZ-FE1.5i42Regular (91)
Corolla Axio 1602012-2NR-FKE1.5i42Regular (91)
Corolla Cross 10j2021-2ZR-FAE1.8i47Regular (91)
Corolla Cross 10j2021-2ZR-FXE1.8ih36/43Regular (91)
Corolla Cross 10u2021-M20A-FKS2.0i47/50Regular (91)
Corolla Fielder 1202000-20061NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Corolla Fielder 1202000-20061ZZ-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla Fielder 1202000-20062ZZ-GE1.8i50Premium (95)
Corolla Fielder 1402006-20121NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Corolla Fielder 1402006-20122ZR-FAE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla Fielder 1402006-20122ZR-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla Fielder 1602012-1NZ-FE1.5i42Regular (91)
Corolla Fielder 1602012-2ZR-FAE1.8i42Regular (91)
Corolla Rumion2007-20161NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Corolla Rumion2007-20162ZR-FAE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla Rumion2007-20162ZR-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla Runx 1202001-20061NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Corolla Runx 1202001-20061ZZ-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla Runx 1202001-20062ZZ-GE1.8i50Premium (95)
Corolla Spacio 1101997-20027A-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla Spacio 1101997-20024A-FE1.6i50Regular (91)
Corolla Spacio 1202001-20071NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Corolla Spacio 1202001-20071ZZ-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla Sport 210j2018-8NR-FTS1.2it50Regular (91)
Corolla Sport 210j2018-2ZR-FXE1.8ih43Regular (91)
Corolla Touring 210j2019-8NR-FTS1.2it50Regular (91)
Corolla Touring 210j2019-2ZR-FAE1.8i50Regular (91)
Corolla Touring 210j2019-2ZR-FXE1.8ih43Regular (91)
Corolla Touring 2102023-M15A-FKS1.5i47Regular (91)
Corolla Verso 102004-20093ZZ-FE1.6i60Premium (95)
Corolla Verso 102004-20091ZZ-FE1.8i60Premium (95)
Corolla II 401990-19944E-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Corolla II 401990-19945E-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Corolla II 501994-19994E-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Corolla II 501994-19995E-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Corona 1701987-19924S-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Corona 1701987-19925A-FE1.5i60Regular (91)
Corona 1701987-19923S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Corona 1701987-19924A-FE1.6i60Regular (91)
Corona 1901992-19963S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Corona 1901992-19964A-FE1.6i60Regular (91)
Corona 2101996-20013S-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Corona 2101996-20014A-FE1.6i60Regular (91)
Corona 2101996-20013S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Corona Exiv 2001993-19984S-FE1.8i60/68Regular (91)
Corona Exiv 2001993-19983S-FE2.0i60/68Regular (91)
Corona Exiv 2001993-19983S-GE2.0i60/68Premium (95)
Corsa 401990-19944E-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Corsa 401990-19945E-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Corsa 501994-19994E-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Corsa 501994-19995E-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Cresta 801988-19927M-GE3.0i65Premium (95)
Cresta 801988-19924S-FE1.8i65Regular (91)
Cresta 801988-19921G-FE2.0i65Regular (91)
Cresta 801988-19921G-GE2.0i65Regular (91)
Cresta 801988-19921G-GTE2.0i65Premium (95)
Cresta 801988-19921G-GZE2.0i65Premium (95)
Cresta 801988-19921JZ-GE2.5i65Premium (95)
Cresta 801988-19921JZ-GTE2.5i65Premium (95)
Cresta 901992-19961JZ-GE2.5i70Premium (95)
Cresta 901992-19964S-FE1.8i70Regular (91)
Cresta 901992-19962JZ-GE3.0i70Premium (95)
Cresta 901992-19961JZ-GTE2.5i70Premium (95)
Cresta 901992-19961G-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Cresta 1001996-20011JZ-GE3.0i70Premium (95)
Cresta 1001996-20011G-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Cresta 1001996-20011JZ-GTE2.5i70Premium (95)
Cresta 1001996-20012JZ-GE3.0i70Premium (95)
Crown 1301991-19991G-FE2.0i72Regular (91)
Crown 1301987-19992JZ-GE3.0i72Premium (95)
Crown 1301987-19991G-FE2.0i72Regular (91)
Crown 1301987-19991JZ-GTE2.5i72Premium (95)
Crown 1301987-19991G-FE2.0i72Regular (91)
Crown 1301987-19991G-GTE2.0i72Premium (95)
Crown 1301987-19991UZ-FE4.0i72Premium (95)
Crown 1301987-19997M-GE3.0i72Premium (95)
Crown 1401991-19951G-FE2.0i72Regular (91)
Crown 1401991-19951JZ-GE2.5i72Premium (95)
Crown 1401991-19952JZ-GE3.0i72Premium (95)
Crown 1401991-19951UZ-FE4.0i72Premium (95)
Crown 1501995-20012JZ-GE3.0i73Premium (95)
Crown 1501995-20011G-FE2.0i73Regular (91)
Crown 1501995-20011JZ-GE2.5i73Premium (95)
Crown 1701999-20071UZ-FE4.0i70Premium (95)
Crown 1701999-20072JZ-GE3.0i70Premium (95)
Crown 1701999-20071JZ-FSE2.5i70Premium (95)
Crown 1701999-20071JZ-GE2.5i70Premium (95)
Crown 1701999-20071JZ-GTE2.5i70Premium (95)
Crown 1701999-20071G-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Crown 170 Estate1999-20071JZ-FSE2.5i70Premium (95)
Crown 170 Estate1999-20071JZ-GE2.5i70Premium (95)
Crown 170 Estate1999-20072JZ-FSE3.0i70Premium (95)
Crown 1802003-20082GR-FSE3.5i71Premium (95)
Crown 1802003-20083GR-FSE3.0i71Premium (95)
Crown 1802003-20084GR-FSE2.5i71Premium (95)
Crown 2002008-20122GR-FSE3.5i71Premium (95)
Crown 2002008-20123GR-FSE3.0i71Premium (95)
Crown 2002008-20124GR-FSE2.5i71Premium (95)
Crown 2102012-20182AR-FSE2.5i65Regular (91)
Crown 2102012-20182GR-FSE3.5i71Premium (95)
Crown 2102012-20182GR-FXE3.5i65Premium (95)
Crown 2102012-20184GR-FSE2.5i71Regular (91)
Crown 2102012-20188AR-FTS2.0i65Premium (95)
Crown 2202018-2023A25A-FXS2.5ih66Regular (91)
Crown 2202018-20238GR-FXS3.5ih66Premium (95)
Crown 2202018-20238AR-FTS2.0it66Premium (95)
Crown 230 US2023-T24A-FTS2.4it55Regular (91)
Crown 230 US2023-A25A-FXS2.5ih55Regular (91)
Crown 230 Crossover2022-T24A-FTS2.4it55Premium (95)
Crown 230 Crossover2022-A25A-FXS2.5ih55Regular (91)
Crown Sedan2023-A25A-FXS2.5ih82Regular (91)
Crown Signia2024-A25A-FXS2.5ih55Regular (91)
Crown Sport2023-A25A-FXS2.5ih55Regular (91)
Curren1994-19984S-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Curren1994-19983S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Curren1994-19983S-GE2.0i60Premium (95)
Cynos 401990-19944E-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Cynos 401990-19945E-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Cynos 501994-19994E-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Cynos 501994-19995E-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Duet1998-2004EJ-VE1.0i37/40Regular (91)
Duet1998-2004K3-VE1.3i37/40Regular (91)
Duet1998-2004K3-VE21.3i37Premium (95)
Estima 10-201990-19992TZ-FE2.4i60Regular (91)
Estima 30-401999-20061MZ-FE3.0i70Premium (95)
Estima 30-401999-20062AZ-FE2.4i70Regular (91)
Estima 502006-20192AZ-FE2.4i65Regular (91)
Estima 502006-20192GR-FE3.5i65Premium (95)
Estima Hybrid 102001-20062AZ-FXE2.4ih70Regular (91)
Estima Hybrid 202006-20202AZ-FXE2.4ih65Regular (91)
Etios2010-20211NR-FBE1.3i45Regular (91)
Etios2010-20212NR-FBE1.5i45Regular (91)
Etios2010-20212NR-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Etios Cross2014-20202NR-FBE1.5i45Regular (91)
Estima 502006-20192GR-FE3.5i65Premium (95)
FJ Cruiser j2006-20151GR-FE4.0i72Regular (91)
FJ Cruiser w2006-20201GR-FE4.0i72/159Premium (95)
Fortuner 502005-20151GR-FE4.0i65/80Premium (95)
Fortuner 502005-20152TR-FE2.7i65/80Regular (91)
Fortuner 1502015-1GR-FE4.0i80Premium (95)
Fortuner 1502015-2TR-FE2.7i80Regular (91)
Frontlander2022-M20C-FKS2.0i47Regular (91)
Frontlander2022-M20F-FXS2.0ih36Regular (91)
Funcargo1999-20051NZ-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Funcargo1999-20052NZ-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Gaia1998-20041AZ-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
GR862021-FA242.4i50Premium (95)
GR Corolla2022-G16E-GTS1.6it50Premium (95)
Grand Hiace1995-20025VZ-FE3.4i75Regular (91)
Grand Highlander2023-T24A-FTS2.4it68Regular (91)
Grand Highlander2023-A25A-FXS2.5ih65Regular (91)
Granvia1995-20025VZ-FE3.4i75Regular (91)
Granvia 3002019-7GR-FKS3.5i70Regular (91)
Harrier 101997-20032AZ-FE2.4i65/75Premium (95)
Harrier 101997-20031MZ-FE3.0i65/75Premium (95)
Harrier 101997-20035S-FE2.2i65/75Regular (91)
Harrier 302003-20131MZ-FE3.0i72Premium (95)
Harrier 302003-20132AZ-FE2.4i72Regular (91)
Harrier 602013-20202AR-FXE2.5i56Regular (91)
Harrier 602013-20203ZR-FAE2.0i60Regular (91)
Harrier 802020-M20A-FKS2.0i55Regular (91)
Harrier 802020-A25A-FXS2.5ih55Regular (91)
Hiace 3002019-7GR-FKS3.5i70Regular (91)
Hiace 100j1992-20041TR-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Hiace 100j1992-20042RZ-E2.4i70Regular (91)
Hiace 100j1992-20041RZ-E2.0i70Regular (91)
Hiace Van 2102004-1TR-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Hiace Van 2102004-2TR-FE2.7i70Regular (91)
HiAce Wagon 2102004-2TR-FE2.7i70Regular (91)
Highlander 20u2000-20072AZ-FE2.4i75Regular (91)
Highlander 20u2000-20071MZ-FE3.0i75Regular (91)
Highlander 40u2009-20131AR-FE2.7i73Regular (91)
Highlander 40u2009-20132GR-FE3.5i73Regular (91)
Highlander 50u2013-20191AR-FE2.7i73Regular (91)
Highlander 50u2013-20192GR-FKS3.5i73Regular (91)
Highlander 702019-2GR-FKS3.5i68Regular (91)
Highlander 702019-A25A-FXS2.5ih65Regular (91)
Hilux 140-1701997-20043RZ-FE2.7i69Regular (91)
Hilux 140-1701997-20041RZ-E2.0i69Regular (91)
Hilux 120w2015-2TR-FE2.7i80Regular (91)
Hilux 120w2015-1GR-FE4.0i65/80Premium (95)
Hilux Surf 1301988-19953VZ-E3.0i65Regular (91)
Hilux Surf 1301988-19953Y-E2.0i65Regular (91)
Hilux Surf 1801995-20023RZ-FE2.7i70Regular (91)
Hilux Surf 1801995-20025VZ-FE3.4i70Regular (91)
Hilux Surf 2102002-20091GR-FE4.0i87Premium (95)
Hilux Surf 2102002-20092TR-FE2.7i87Regular (91)
Hilux Surf 2102002-20093RZ-FE2.7i87Regular (91)
Hilux Surf 2102002-20095VZ-FE3.4i87Regular (91)
Innova 1402015-2TR-FE2.7i65Regular (91)
Innova 1402015-1TR-FE2.0i55Regular (91)
Innova2022-M20A-FKS2.0i52Regular (91)
Innova2022-M20A-FXS2.0ih52Regular (91)
Ipsum 202001-20092AZ-FE2.4i60Regular (91)
iQ 102008-20161KR-FE1.0i32Regular (91)
iQ 102008-20161NR-FE1.3i32Regular (91)
Isis 102004-20171AZ-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Isis 102004-20171ZZ-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Isis 102004-20172ZR-FAE1.8i60Regular (91)
Isis 102004-20173ZR-FAE2.0i60Regular (91)
Ist 602002-20071NZ-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Ist 602002-20072NZ-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Ist 1102007-20161NZ-FE1.5i42Regular (91)
Ist 1102007-20162ZR-FE1.8i42Regular (91)
Kluger2000-20071MZ-FE3.0i72Premium (95)
Kluger2000-20072AZ-FE2.4i72Regular (91)
Land Cruiser 80j1990-19983F-E4.0i95Regular (91)
Land Cruiser 80j1990-19981FZ-FE4.5i95Regular (91)
Land Cruiser 80u1990-19981FZ-FE4.5i95Regular (91)
Land Cruiser 100j1998-20072UZ-FE4.7i96Premium (95)
Land Cruiser 100u1998-20072UZ-FE4.7i96Premium (95)
Land Cruiser 100u1998-20072UZ-FE4.7i96Regular (91)
Land Cruiser 200j2007-20212UZ-FE4.7i93Premium (95)
Land Cruiser 200j2007-20211UR-FE4.6i93Premium (95)
Land Cruiser 200u2007-20213UR-FE5.7i93Regular (91)
Land Cruiser 200w2007-20211GR-FE4.0i93/138Regular (91)
Land Cruiser 200w2007-20211UR-FE4.6i93/138Regular (91)
Land Cruiser 300j2021-V35A-FTS3.5it80Premium (95)
Land Cruiser 300w2021-1GR-FE4.0i80/110Premium (95)
Land Cruiser 300w2021-V35A-FTS3.5it80/110Premium (95)
Land Cruiser Prado 90j1996-20023RZ-FE2.7i90Regular (91)
Land Cruiser Prado 90j1996-20025VZ-FE3.4i90Regular (91)
Land Cruiser Prado 120j2002-20091GR-FE4.0i87Premium (95)
Land Cruiser Prado 120j2002-20095VZ-FE3.4i87Regular (91)
Land Cruiser Prado 120j2002-20092TR-FE2.7i87Regular (91)
Land Cruiser Prado 150j2009-20241GR-FE4.0i87Regular (91)
Land Cruiser Prado 150j2009-20242TR-FE2.7i87Regular (91)
Land Cruiser Prado 150w2009-20241GR-FE4.0i87/150Premium (95)
Land Cruiser Prado 150w2009-20242TR-FE2.7i87/150Regular (91)
Land Cruiser 2502024-2TR-FE2.7i80/110Regular (91)
Land Cruiser 2502024-T24A-FTS2.4it80/110Premium (95)
Lexus ES Z10u2018-2GR-FKS3.5i61Regular (91)
Lexus ES Z10u2018-A25A-FXS2.5ih49Regular (91)
Lexus GX 2502024-V35A-FTS3.5i80Premium (95)
Lexus LBX EU2023-M15A-FXE1.5ih36Premium (95)
Lexus LBX non-EU2023-M15A-FXE1.5ih36Regular (91)
Lexus LC Z10u2017-2UR-GSE5.0i82Premium (95)
Lexus LC Z10u2017-8GR-FXS3.5ih84Premium (95)
Lexus LM2019-20232AR-FXE2.5i58Regular (92)
Lexus LM2023-T24A-FTS2.4ih60Premium (95)
Lexus LM EU2023-A25A-FXS2.5ih60Premium (95)
Lexus LS 50u2017-V35A-FTS3.5it82Premium (95)
Lexus LS 50w2017-8GR-FKS3.5i82Premium (95)
Lexus LS 50w2017-8GR-FXS3.5ih82Premium (95)
Lexus LX2022-V35A-FTS3.5it80Premium (95)
Lexus NX 10w2014-20212AR-FXE2.5i56Regular (91)
Lexus NX 10w2014-20213ZR-FAE2.0i60Regular (91)
Lexus NX 10w2014-20218AR-FTS2.0i60Premium (95)
Lexus NX 20j2021-A25A-FKS2.5i55Regular (91)
Lexus NX 20j2021-T24A-FTS2.4it55Premium (95)
Lexus NX 20j2021-A25A-FXS2.5i55Premium (95)
Lexus NX 20u2021-A25A-FKS2.5i55Regular (91)
Lexus NX 20u2021-T24A-FTS2.4it55Premium (95)
Lexus NX 20u2021-A25A-FXS2.5i55Premium (95)
Lexus RX L20w2015-20222GR-FKS3.5i72Premium (95)
Lexus RX L20w2015-20228AR-FTS2.0i72Premium (95)
Lexus RX EU2022-A25A-FXS2.5ih65Premium (95)
Lexus RX non-EU2022-A25A-FXS2.5ih65Regular (91)
Lexus RX2022-T24A-FTS2.4it68/65Premium (95)
Lexus TX2023-T24A-FTS2.4it68Premium (95)
Lexus TX2023-2GR-FXS3.5ih55Premium (95)
Lexus UX ZAA1#u 2018-M20A-FKS2.0i47Regular (91)
Lexus UX ZAA1#u 2018-M20A-FXS2.0ih40Regular (91)
LiteAce Noah1996-20013S-FE2.0i55Regular (91)
LiteAce S4002008-20203SZ-VE1.5i43Regular (91)
Mark II 801988-19927M-GE3.0i65Premium (95)
Mark II 801988-19924S-FE1.8i65Regular (91)
Mark II 801988-19921G-FE2.0i65Regular (91)
Mark II 801988-19921G-GE2.0i65Regular (91)
Mark II 801988-19921G-GTE2.0i65Premium (95)
Mark II 801988-19921G-GZE2.0i65Premium (95)
Mark II 801988-19921JZ-GE2.5i65Premium (95)
Mark II 801988-19921JZ-GTE2.5i65Premium (95)
Mark II 901992-19961JZ-GE2.5i70Premium (95)
Mark II 901992-19964S-FE1.8i70Regular (91)
Mark II 901992-19962JZ-GE3.0i70Premium (95)
Mark II 901992-19961JZ-GTE2.5i70Premium (95)
Mark II 901992-19961G-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Mark II 1001996-20011JZ-GE3.0i70Premium (95)
Mark II 1001996-20011G-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Mark II 1001996-20011JZ-GTE2.5i70Premium (95)
Mark II 1001996-20012JZ-GE3.0i70Premium (95)
Mark II 1102000-20041G-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Mark II 1102000-20041JZ-FSE2.5i70Premium (95)
Mark II 1102000-20041JZ-GE2.5i70Premium (95)
Mark II 1102000-20041JZ-GTE2.5i70Premium (95)
Mark II Blit 1102002-20071G-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Mark II Blit 1102002-20071JZ-FSE2.5i70Premium (95)
Mark II Blit 1102002-20071JZ-GE2.5i70Premium (95)
Mark II Blit 1102002-20071JZ-GTE2.5i70Premium (95)
Mark II Qualis1997-20011MZ-FE3.0i70Premium (95)
Mark X 1202004-20093GR-FSE3.0i70Premium (95)
Mark X 1202004-20094GR-FSE2.5i70Premium (95)
Mark X 1302009-20192GR-FSE3.5i71Premium (95)
Mark X 1302009-20194GR-FSE2.5i71Regular (91)
Mark X Zio2007-20132AZ-FE2.4i60Regular (91)
Mark X Zio2007-20132GR-FE3.5i60Premium (95)
Nadia1998-20031AZ-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Nadia1998-20033S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Nadia1998-20033S-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Noah 602001-20071AZ-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Noah 702007-20143ZR-FAE2.0i60Regular (91)
Noah 702007-20143ZR-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Noah 802014-20223ZR-FAE2.0i55Regular (91)
Noah 902022-2ZR-FXE1.8ih52Regular (91)
Noah 902022-M20A-FKS2.0i52Regular (91)
Opa2000-20051AZ-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Opa2000-20051ZZ-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Passo #7002016-20231KR-FE1.0i36Regular (91)
Passo #7002016-20231KR-FE1.0i38Regular (91)
Passo 102004-20101KR-FE1.0i40Regular (91)
Passo 102004-2010K3-VE1.3i38Regular (91)
Passo 302010-20161KR-FE1.0i40Regular (91)
Passo 302010-20161NR-FE1.3i38Regular (91)
Pixis Van 7002021-KF-VE0.7i38Regular (91)
Pixis Van 7002021-KF-VET0.7it38Regular (91)
Platz1999-20051NZ-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Platz1999-20051SZ-FE1.0i45Regular (91)
Platz1999-20052NZ-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Porte 102004-20121NZ-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Porte 102004-20122NZ-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Porte 1402012-20171NR-FE1.3i42Regular (91)
Porte 1402012-20171NZ-FE1.5i42Regular (91)
Premio 2402001-20071AZ-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Premio 2402001-20071NZ-FE1.5i60Regular (91)
Premio 2402001-20071ZZ-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Premio 2602007-20211NZ-FE1.5i60Regular (91)
Premio 2602007-20212ZR-FAE1.8i60Regular (91)
Prius 10j1997-20031NZ-FXE1.5i50Regular (91)
Prius 20j2003-20111NZ-FXE1.5i45Regular (91)
Prius 20e2003-20091NZ-FXE1.5i45Premium (95)
Prius 30e2009-20152ZR-FXE1.8i45Premium (95)
Prius 30j2009-20152ZR-FXE1.8i45Regular (91)
Prius 50e2015-20232ZR-FXE1.8i43Premium (95)
Prius 50e2015-20232ZR-FXE1.8i38/43Regular (91)
Prius 60 EU2023-M20A-FXS2.0i43Premium (95)
Prius 602023-2ZR-FXE1.8ih43/40Regular (91)
Prius 602023-M20A-FXS2.0i43Regular (91)
Premio 2602007-20212ZR-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Probox 1602014-1NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Probox 502002-20141NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Probox 502002-20142NZ-FE1.3i50Regular (91)
Progres1998-20071JZ-FSE2.5i70Premium (95)
Progres1998-20072JZ-FSE3.0i70Premium (95)
Pronard2000-20031MZ-FE3.0i70Premium (95)
Ractis 1002005-20101NZ-FE1.5i42Regular (91)
Ractis 1002005-20102SZ-FE1.3i42Regular (91)
Ractis 1202010-20161NR-FE1.3i42Regular (91)
Ractis 1202010-20161NR-FKE1.3i42Regular (91)
Ractis 1202010-20161NZ-FE1.5i42Regular (91)
Raize2019-1KR-VET1.0it36Regular (91)
Raize2019-WA-VE1.2i36Regular (91)
Raize2019-WA-VEX1.2ih36Regular (91)
Raum 101997-20035E-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Raum 202003-20111NZ-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
RAV4 10j1994-20003S-FE2.0i58Regular (91)
RAV4 10j1994-20003S-GE2.0i58Premium (95)
RAV4 10u1994-20003S-FE2.0i58Regular (91)
RAV4 20j2000-20051AZ-FSE2.0i57Regular (91)
RAV4 20j2000-20051ZZ-FE1.8i57Regular (91)
RAV4 20e2000-20051ZZ-FE1.8i57Premium (95)
RAV4 20e2000-20051AZ-FE2.0i57Premium (95)
RAV4 20e2000-20052AZ-FE2.4i57Premium (95)
RAV4 30j2006-20162AZ-FE2.4i60Regular (91)
RAV4 30e2006-20131AZ-FE2.0i60Premium (95)
RAV4 30e2006-20133ZR-FAE2.0i60Premium (95)
RAV4 40w2012-20182AR-FE2.5i60Regular (91)
RAV4 40w2012-20183ZR-FAE2.0i60Premium (95)
RAV4 40w2012-20183ZR-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
RAV4 50e2018-M20A-FKS2.0i55Premium (95)
RAV4 50e2018-A25A-FKS2.5i55Premium (95)
RAV4 50e2018-A25A-FXS2.5ih55Premium (95)
RAV4 50j2019-M20A-FKS2.0i55Regular (91)
RAV4 50j2019-A25A-FXS2.5ih55Regular (91)
RAV4 50u2018-A25A-FKS2.5i55Regular (91)
RAV4 50u2018-A25A-FXS2.5ih55Regular (91)
Regiusace 100j1992-20041TR-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Regiusace 100j1992-20042RZ-E2.4i70Regular (91)
Regiusace 100j1992-20041RZ-E2.0i70Regular (91)
Roomy2016-1KR-FE1.0i36/38Regular (91)
Roomy2016-1KR-VET1.0it36/38Regular (91)
Rush 2002006-20163SZ-VE1.5i50Regular (91)
Scepter1991-19953VZ-FE3.0i70Premium (95)
Scepter1991-19955S-FE2.2i70Regular (91)
Sequoia 602007-20222UZ-FE4.7i100Regular (91)
Sequoia 602007-20221UR-FE4.6i100/144Regular (91)
Sequoia 602007-20223UR-FE5.7i100/144Regular (91)
Sequoia 60u2007-20223UR-FBE5.7i100Regular (91)
Sequoia 60u2007-20223UR-FE5.7i100Regular (91)
Sequoia 802022-V35A-FTS3.5it85Regular (91)
Sienna 30u2010-20202GR-FKS3.5i79Regular (91)
Sienna 402020-A25A-FXS2.5ih68Regular (91)
Sienta 802004-20151NZ-FE1.5i42/45Regular (91)
Sienta 1702015-20221NZ-FE1.5i42/45Regular (91)
Sienta 1702015-20222NR-FKE1.5i42/45Regular (91)
Sienta 2102022-M15A-FKS1.5i40Regular (91)
Sienta 2102022-M15A-FXE1.5ih40Regular (91)
Spade 1402012-20201NR-FE1.3i42Regular (91)
Spade 1402012-20201NZ-FE1.5i42Regular (91)
Sprinter 1001991-19954A-GZE1.6i50Premium (95)
Sprinter 1001991-19954A-GE1.6i50Premium (95)
Sprinter 1001991-19954A-FE1.6i50Regular (91)
Sprinter 1001991-19954E-FE1.3i50Regular (91)
Sprinter 1001991-19955A-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Sprinter 1101995-20004A-GE1.6i50Premium (95)
Sprinter 1101995-20004E-FE1.3i50Regular (91)
Sprinter 1101995-20004A-FE1.6i50Regular (91)
Sprinter 1101995-20005A-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Sprinter Carib 951988-19954A-FE1.6i50Regular (91)
Sprinter Carib 1101995-20024A-FE1.6i50Regular (91)
Sprinter Carib 1101995-20027A-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Sprinter Carib 1101995-20024A-GE1.6i50Premium (95)
Starlet 801989-19964E-FE1.3i40Regular (91)
Starlet 801989-19964E-FTE1.3i40Regular (91)
Starlet 901996-19994E-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Starlet 901996-19994E-FTE1.3i45Regular (91)
Succeed 1602014-20201NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Succeed 502002-20141NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Succeed 502002-20142NZ-FE1.3i50Regular (91)
Supra 701986-19931JZ-GTE2.5i70Premium (95)
Supra 701986-19931G-GTE2.0i70Premium (95)
Supra 701986-19931G-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Supra 701986-19937M-GTE3.0i70Premium (95)
Supra 80j1993-20022JZ-GE3.0i70Premium (95)
Supra 80j1993-20022JZ-GTE3.0i70Premium (95)
Supra 80u1993-20022JZ-GE3.0i70Premium (95)
Supra 80u1993-20022JZ-GTE3.0i70Premium (95)
Tacoma 200u2004-20151GR-FE3.5i80Regular (91)
Tacoma 200u2004-20152TR-FE2.7i80Regular (91)
Tacoma 300u2015-20232GR-FKS3.5i80Regular (91)
Tacoma 300u2015-20232TR-FE2.7i80Regular (91)
Tacoma 4002023-T24A-FTS2.4it69Regular (91)
Tercel 401990-19944E-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Tercel 401990-19945E-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Tercel 501994-19994E-FE1.3i45Regular (91)
Tercel 501994-19995E-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Touring Hiace1999-20023RZ-FE2.7i65Regular (91)
TownAce Noah1996-20013S-FE2.0i55Regular (91)
TownAce S4002008-3SZ-VE1.5i43Regular (91)
Tundra 50u2007-20211UR-FE4.6i100/144Regular (91)
Tundra 50u2007-20213UR-FE5.7i100/144Regular (91)
Tundra 70u2021-V35A-FTS3.5it85/122Regular (91)
Urban Cruiser Hyryder2022-K151.5i45Regular (91)
Urban Cruiser Hyryder2022-M15A-FXE1.5ih45Regular (91)
Vanguard2007-20132AZ-FE2.4i60Regular (91)
Vanguard2007-20132GR-FE3.5i60Premium (95)
Vellfire 202008-20152AZ-FE2.4i65Regular (91)
Vellfire 202008-20152GR-FE3.5i65Premium (95)
Vellfire 302015-20232AR-FE2.5i65/75Regular (91)
Vellfire 302015-20232GR-FE3.5i65/75Premium (95)
Vellfire 402023-A25A-FXS2.5ih60Regular (91)
Vellfire 402023-T24A-FTS2.4it75/65Premium (95)
Veloz W1002021-2NR-VE1.5i43Regular (91)
Venza2008-20171AR-FE2.7i67Regular (91)
Venza2008-20172GR-FE3.5i67Regular (91)
Venza 802020-A25A-FXS2.5ih55Regular (91)
Verossa2001-20041G-FE2.0i70Regular (91)
Verossa2001-20041JZ-GTE2.5i70Premium (95)
Verossa2001-20041JZ-FSE2.5i70Premium (95)
Verso 20e2009-20181ZR-FAE1.6i60Premium (95)
Verso 20e2009-20182ZR-FAE1.8i60Premium (95)
Verso-S 1202010-20151NR-FE1.3i42Premium (95)
Vios 1502013-1NR-FE1.3i42Regular (91)
Vios 1502013-2NR-FE1.5i42Regular (91)
Vios 1502013-3NR-FE1.2i42Regular (91)
Vios 1502013-3NR-FKE1.2i42Premium (95)
Vios2022-2NR-VE1.5i40Regular (91)
Vista 301990-19943S-GE2.0i60Regular (91)
Vista 301990-19943S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Vista 301990-19944S-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Vista 301990-19943VZ-FE3.0i60Premium (95)
Vista 301990-19944VZ-FE2.5i60Regular (91)
Vista 401994-19983S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Vista 401994-19984S-FE2.2i60Regular (91)
Vista 50 / Ardeo1998-20031AZ-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Vista 50 / Ardeo1998-20031ZZ-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Vista 50 / Ardeo1998-20033S-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Vista 50 / Ardeo1998-20033S-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Vitz 101999-20051NZ-FE1.5i45Regular (91)
Vitz 101999-20052NZ-FE1.3i40/45Regular (91)
Vitz 101999-20051SZ-FE1.0i40Regular (91)
Vitz 101999-20052SZ-FE1.3i40Regular (91)
Vitz 902005-20101KR-FE1.0i42Regular (91)
Vitz 902005-20101NZ-FE1.5i42Regular (91)
Vitz 902005-20102NZ-FE1.3i42Regular (91)
Vitz 902005-20102SZ-FE1.3i42Regular (91)
Vitz 1302010-20201KR-FE1.0i42Regular (91)
Vitz 1302010-20201NR-FE1.3i42Regular (91)
Vitz 1302010-20201NR-FKE1.3i42Regular (91)
Vitz 1302010-20201NZ-FE1.5i42Regular (91)
Vitz2023-K10C1.0i32Regular (91)
Voltz2002-20041ZZ-FE1.8i45/50Regular (91)
Voltz2002-20042ZZ-GE1.8i50Premium (95)
Voxy 602001-20071AZ-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Voxy 702007-20143ZR-FAE2.0i60Regular (91)
Voxy 702007-20143ZR-FE2.0i60Regular (91)
Voxy 802014-20223ZR-FAE2.0i55Regular (91)
Voxy 902022-2ZR-FXE1.8ih52Regular (91)
Voxy 902022-M20A-FKS2.0i52Regular (91)
Will VS2001-20041NZ-FE1.5i50Regular (91)
Will VS2001-20041ZZ-FE1.8i50Regular (91)
Windom 101991-19964VZ-FE2.5i70Premium (95)
Windom 101991-19963VZ-FE3.0i70Premium (95)
Windom 201996-20012MZ-FE2.5i70Premium (95)
Windom 201996-20013MZ-FE3.0i70Premium (95)
Windom 302001-20061MZ-FE3.0i70Premium (95)
Wish 102003-20091AZ-FSE2.0i60Regular (91)
Wish 102003-20091ZZ-FE1.8i60Regular (91)
Wish 202009-20172ZR-FAE1.8i60Regular (91)
Wish 202009-20173ZR-FAE2.0i60Regular (91)
Yaris 10e1999-20051SZ-FE1.0i45Premium (95)
Yaris 10e1999-20052SZ-FE1.3i45Premium (95)
Yaris 10e1999-20052NZ-FE1.3i45Premium (95)
Yaris 10e1999-20051NZ-FE1.5i45Premium (95)
Yaris 90e2005-20111KR-FE1.0i42Premium (95)
Yaris 90e2005-20112SZ-FE1.3i42Premium (95)
Yaris 90e2005-20111NR-FE1.3i42Premium (95)
Yaris 130e2011-20201KR-FE1.0i42Premium (95)
Yaris 130e2011-20201NR-FE1.3i42Premium (95)
Yaris 1502013-1NR-FE1.3i42Regular (91)
Yaris 1502013-2NR-FE1.5i42Regular (91)
Yaris 1502013-3NR-FE1.2i42Regular (91)
Yaris 1502013-3NR-FKE1.2i42Premium (95)
Yaris 210e2020-1KR-FE1.0i40 / 42Premium (95)
Yaris 210e2020-M15A-FKS1.5i40 / 42Premium (95)
Yaris 210e2020-M15A-FXE1.5ih33 / 36Premium (95)
Yaris 210j2020-1KR-FE1.0i40Regular (91)
Yaris 210j2020-M15A-FKS1.5i40/42Regular (91)
Yaris 210j2020-M15A-FXE1.5ih36Regular (91)
Yaris GR2020-G16E-GTS1.6it50Premium (95)
Yaris GR2020-M15A-FKS1.5i50Regular (91)
Yaris Cross 10e2020-M15A-FXE1.5ih36Premium (95)
Yaris Cross 10j2020-M15A-FKS1.5i42Regular (91)
Yaris Cross 10j2020-M15A-FXE1.5ih36Regular (91)
Yaris Cross C2002023-2NR-VE1.5i42Regular (91)
Yaris Cross C2002023-2NR-VEX1.5ih36Regular (91)
-----Premium (95)
-----Regular (91)